The General Data Protection Regulations apply to every business, organisation and club in the United Kingdom, no matter how small or big.
GDPR - 99 rules about data collection, use, sharing and keeping - and 1 for data security. 
DataGuardsman does it all for you.

Simple 4 Step Process


Select a module and answer the simple yes/no business questions


Print off the list of tasks that you need to do to complete the section


Implement the tasks that will make you compliant for that module


Print off the policy documents and tell your staff what they need to do
The End To End Modular Solution


Learn how to lawfully collect and use personal data.

This is the most critical part and the part most do not understand.


The DataGuardsman process will help you work methodically to ensure you have everything covered. You will be able to generate all of your policy documents and procedures.


If you are not following the new guidelines for how you use data for sales & marketing, you leave yourself exposed to people taking legal action against you.


Knowing when to delete data is as critical as its acquisition. 

Failure to know when and why leaves you exposed to claims.

Directors will be personally liable

Personal data is a risk and with that risk comes liability for which directors can be personally liable.
That means their houses, cars, savings, shares and pensions are personally at risk.

“I couldn’t believe this fog of a thing called Data Protection could be dealt with so easily and cheaply. By joining DataGuardsman I really feel I have done something to preserve the value of my companies.
“As Solicitors we are acutely aware that we are responsible for keeping data secure.  We are so grateful to the guys at DataGuardsman for coming up with this scheme. It was easy for my office manager to set up and will ensure we remain complaint!”
“Designed for the non lawyer
DataGuardsman explains and takes you through each step to compliance.
“It is so easy to fit in
DataGuardsman is very user friendly. You can leave a task and then go back to where you left off
Data Security – liability arises only when data is lost
Data Collection – liability arises instantly on collection if the GDPR rules are not followed

Why collect that risk for each and every customer when it can be avoided?
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